Friday, February 13, 2015

"Presidents Day”
·     Washington's Birthday, also known as Presidents' Day, is a federal holiday held on the third Monday of February.
·     The day honors presidents of the United States, including George Washington, the USA's first president.
·     USA

·      Washington's Birthday is a United States federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States. Colloquially, it is widely known as "Presidents Day" and is often an occasion to remember all the presidents, not just George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is also in February. The term "Presidents Day" was informally coined in a deliberate attempt to use the holiday to honor multiple presidents and is virtually always used that way today.

The story of Presidents’ Day date begins in 1800. Following President George Washington’s death in 1799, his February 22 birthday became a perennial day of remembrance. At the time, Washington was venerated as the most important figure in American history,

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